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Development trends of dry transformers

Date posted : 08:14:41 03-03-2017

In the power system today, for every kW of power generation capacity should have about 5 - 6KVA capacity transformers. Power losses in the transformer accounting for nearly 30% of all electricity losses in the grid. Therefore transformer is one of the essential components of the power system, which is crucial to our economy.

Until the late 20th century, nearly all of the transformers are of the type of transformer oil, oil which acts as both support cooling coils, moderate increases their dielectric strength.

Oil quality directly affects the reliability, service life of the transformer. In the course of operation need to regularly monitor the status of oil to promptly detect changes in the properties of the oil through the identification of a range of important indicators such as mechanical impurities and suspended carbon, reliable insulation, acid index, a flash point of the oil temperature, viscosity, clarity, stability, dielectric loss angle ... To manage oil quality should be equipped with more technical means, first required management personnel, skilled technical staff, skilled workers ... On the other hand, with a large number of transformer oil, the risk of fire and explosion is always permanent, threatening equipment failures and cause accidents to people, the environment pollution.
In the 50s of the last century, some countries have turned to using some oils and fire control. Among them are mostly chocolate oils which are very toxic and do not decompose. Since 1970 the said oil has been banned from use due to its toxicity adversely impact human health and the environment, even if the oil content in the chocolate capital of small and conventional transformer oil.

Important disadvantages of transformer oil as described above is the risk of fire or explosion. Hence an inevitable problem arises must seek to eliminate the potential risk that: manufacture transformers no oil, but experts known as dry transformers.

Actually the idea of ​​making dry transformers had from the first half of last century, but at that time the conductive materials, insulation, steel from ... the protective equipment, measurement and control also backwardness does not allow development of dry transformers as in recent years. Today, Dry transformers are used more and more because of the following factors:
- Thanks to the production of silicon sheet Fuko currents lower losses associated with the use of coil rolling copper foil, ladder-style steel core ratings, slits up the low noise level does not pollute the environment as the oil current transformer (noise of the transformer oil at a distance of approximately 1m 80db often harmful to people's health around). The optimal design elements dry transformers on the computer has added its strengths Vietnam: significant energy savings by reducing losses from steel (no-load losses and losses Fuko copper lines, load losses), transformers with low noise operation.
- Thanks to the design on the computer, the selection of the parameters to be optimized, silicon steel manufacturing technology, modern increasingly laced paint, measurement systems, control and protection should gradually improved reliability reliability and longevity of high dry transformers.
- Dry transformers to achieve the environmental standards of the EU HD484 climatic conditions (C0, C1, C2), the environment (E0, E1, E2) and refractory (F0, F1, F2).
- The capacity of quite large dry transformers. Dry transformers for distribution systems were built with a capacity of 50 to 2.500kVA, multi dry the electricity transformer (power transformer dry) with a capacity of 10,000 to 20.000KVA / 35KV and future work interest will be even greater.
- Dry transformers are widely used in the power distribution system, the automatic system of power plants, excitation system, power supply system running on railway locomotives, metro, home nuclear power plants. Dry transformers are also used to indicate so popular, the stadium, petrochemical factories, airports, and special rigs used in areas with strict fire prevention requirements.
- Dry transformers resistant to overloading. For places uneven loads such as electric lighting during the day, cultural destinations, Air conditioning ... can choose the capacity of the smaller dry transformer load bearing capacity to take advantage of the loads of them. Time operation of the transformer will be in a state of overload or overload less. When using dry transformers can reduce their spare capacity, or reduce the number of redundant dry transformers.
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