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Trends new infrastructure for data centers

Date posted : 08:21:39 03-03-2017
Data centers are growing in popularity and focus, the capacity of the data center grows and the development of information technology today. Security for data center operation is always a top priority. A trusted source systems and high performance is what the designers of data centers are always looking.
Apart from having to work reliably, UPS also need to ensure high performance and the associated costs the least. With such a large power systems, in addition to the initial investment costs, also accompanied by a series of cost when used, these costs if unchecked will lead to unnecessary costs. This is also an indicator that the priority data centers, these costs must be controlled and a maximum savings.
Power Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS - Uninterruptible power supply) from ABB modularity is the best solution for the data center in terms of reliability and usability. This was a new trend for data center infrastructure.

The advantages of UPS modules:

- High Availability
With a modular UPS power systems, the data center will be protected with the highest availability, achieved 6 of 9 (0.999999).


ABB's modular UPS reduces the average time to repair 0.5h (UPS traditional form 6), make sure the system is always ready in case of incidents. ABB's modular UPS is designed by architecture DPA - the decentralized architecture, the module completely independent of each other, including the controller and power circuitry, so when one module fails, the module does not affect the remaining again, load remains protected by the UPS.

- Flexibility in operation and maintenance
ABB's modular UPS allows the replacement of the hot online, making expansion or solve the problem very easily. Moreover, use of UPS is very flexible can easily switch from system to system without affecting the load.

~ No need to use more


Modular ~~ easy to increase the load in the system as well as switch between different systems.

- Optimization of the initial investment costs
One factor that makes the UPS module solutions from ABB is becoming the trend of the design of the data center that is consistent with the load capacity and the ability to upgrade later. Normally with large data centers, the expansion is often not predicted by year, sometimes with remarkable year, the huge growth. If to install such a system, the initial cost is huge, more unused time will be wasted. Or if after a period of time to upgrade, the upgrade is more complicated.
ABB solutions will help it become simple, of a module capacity will increase with each step, as needed using how much load it will insert the corresponding number of modules without any influence or power system load . This is where the concept of user to pay to that of ABB


Currently, ABB's UPS module system has been applied to many large data centers around the world such as: System data center Scandinavian, data center Cyberindo Aditama (CBN) - Indonesia, the Data Center data for stock market in Taiwan ... And many more centers. This new trend will expand because of the huge benefits that it brings.
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