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Installation of equipment 40% voltage stability (AVC -40) PVTex Dinh Vu plant

Date posted : 08:16:27 03-03-2017
Vietnam is seen as emerging economies with growth are among the fastest growing countries in the world in recent years. Vietnam's growth rate over 6% since January this year and GDP will reach 6.2% forecast by the end of 2015.
Is fueled by foreign investment and the ventilation of corporate law, regional industrial production in Vietnam is being considered as a replacement for the China region by the advantage low cost.



Textiles and garments have an important role
Manufacturing, apparel clothing and industry support is one of the main factors contributing to the development of Vietnam, and will account for 60% share of exports of Vietnam until 2030, according to Nguyen Van Tuan, president of cotton yarn Vietnam. Since January this year, total exports of apparel in Vietnam had reached $ 12.2 billion, up 10.3% over the same period last year.

Petrochemical Joint Stock Company and Dinh Vu polyester fiber (PVTex) is the first company has invested in building factories in Vietnam polyester fibers. The factory was built in Dinh Vu, Hai Phong, producing polyester fibers (PSF) from the raw material with capacity of 500 tons / day, meeting 40% of demand in fiber local market. The plant has a total investment of $ 324 million to create jobs for about 1,000 workers.

High production costs due to power quality is unstable
The power supply for production in Vietnam is generally stable, but as demand increased power consumption and voltage drop are frequently in short time and long has made manufacturing industry losses due to product a lot more broken and damage to the machinery and equipment. According to statistics, annual plants frequently PVTex to 35 incidents related to power quality. Each breakdown voltage drop will make pumping line acceleration and spinning stopped abruptly causing loss products with an estimated value of up to $ 8,000. Annual average, the plant suffered more than $ 200,000 due to incidents related to power quality.
Mr. Pham Khac Toan, head of the plant producing the incident PVTex comment voltage drop caused disruption to factory production, "With an average of 30-35 power quality issues within one year, the PVTex machines need a stable solution voltage quality to protect the critical load during fiber production lines PSF. If the load is an issue this important causes voltage drop, the whole production line of the factory will stop operating PVTex ".


Providing bespoke solutions
Company PVTex approached ABB products through distributors, and has two solutions to protect the power supply to the pump line acceleration and weaving yarns in the proposed tender dossier. Those are two alternatives based on different technologies to solve the voltage drop problem: traditional UPS equipment (UPS) on the UPS equipment as battery or capacitor, and stable equipment the voltage based on the use of energy from useful to provide continuous voltage and stabilize the load.
The solution uses UPS devices are rated not meet the requirements due to operating costs high by regular system maintenance, replace the battery, although the initial investment costs are lower. The plan to use the device voltage stability ABB PCS100 AVC-40 was chosen by the total cost of investment, operation (TCO) lower than 30% compared with other options and rotation on investment (ROI) is shorten.
According to Mr. Khac Toan's comments: "We chose the solution stability of the ABB power quality because it's consistent with the requirements of our plant on technical criteria such as voltage stability, continuous . This is also the investment plans are evaluated with good economic efficiency. Initial investment costs and total investment of more rational than the plan to use the UPS. "
PCS100 AVC-40 device, designed to compensate for voltage applications actively trade and industry, was deployed for the first time installation for manufacturing plants in Vietnam. Breakdown voltage drop is one of the main causes of the incidents, breakdowns of machinery and equipment on a global automation, equipment PCS100 AVC-40 ABB, designed, manufactured based on adapter with trusted platform and proven, is the best solution to solve the power drop, pulse pressure, the maximum guarantee the stable voltage supply for production. AVC-40 device designed as modular, compact size it can be easily installed in the equipment room or in the cramped position, without having to design and build extended equipment room .
PCS100 AVC-40 devices can cycle on investment (ROI) quickly by low operating costs thanks to the device performance can be achieved in 98%, and therefore less heating device should reduce the cost of electricity and lose. PCS100 AVC-40 device does not use batteries, it can automatically supplemented with the necessary energy from the power supply to adjust the output voltage stability. Do not take the costs of operation and maintenance of the battery, so the total investment for PCS100 AVC-40 device is very low.
Verifiable fact
Equipment stable power quality set PVTex proved valuable after just one week in operation. He Khac Toan explains: "At the end of last July, a power drop occurred in the production line PSF fibers. However all our critical loads being protected and still function normally. Supply voltage from the grid has dropped 61% over the nominal level. PCS100 AVC-40 device was pumping pressure and voltage stable at 99%, respond well to the working voltage range of the device. Without PCS100 AVC-40 equipment protection, the production line had to stop working and the damage is enormous. "
The company has provided ABB PCS100 AVC-2 devices 2 devices 40 300KVA and PCS100 AVC-40 150kva, 50Hz, 400VAC voltage, voltage to stabilize for two lines and an accelerator pump reel chain fiber. The company's partner in Vietnam ABB has assisted in the deployment of installation, connection, grid devices in low voltage room PVTex plant, ABB and we have also held training courses intensive operation of the plant personnel to ensure the operation and maintenance of equipment most effectively.
The company expects the device PVTex PCS100 AVC-40 will provide stable power to critical loads, maintain steady production, this will help them recoup the investments for in-system device first year. Khac Toan He said: "The company expects PVTex production capacity will increase to 0.15% annually. Based on the results of operations of the device, we will consider evaluation to invest in more equipment system PCS100 AVC-40 for the critical load of the plant. "
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